The Psalter of the Prophet and King David with the Nine Biblical Odes
Compiled by Michael Asser
ISBN 978-0-911165-96-8
288 pp.
$24.95 paperbound
Arranged for liturgical use, with full kathismata and verses. King James and Douai version English, translated to conform to the Septuagint. Full color, Icon plates, and manuscript ornamentation. Paperbound, full color, Icon plates, and manuscript ornamentation.
About the Compiler
Michael Asser, a gifted writer and translator, is a native of Great Britain, where he received his B.A. degree in Classics and postgraduate Diploma in Classical Studies at the Open University. He is a Fellow of the Library Association of England and Wales. Mr. Asser was received into the Orthodox Faith by Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia.
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