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Wealth and Poverty in the Teachings of the Church Fathers

by Father James Thornton

ISBN 0–9634692–1–5
166 pp.

This book is a most valuable contribution to what has hitherto been a rather neglected aspect of the Orthodox Faith. Father James sets out the socio-historical context for the teaching of the Fathers on wealth and poverty and the theological presuppositions that undergird the Patristic approach to social problems, and then analyzes the teachings of the Fathers, concluding with some reflections on Saint John of Kronstadt and Saint Elizabeth the Grand Duchess of Russia, two outstanding exemplars of Orthodox charity in the early twentieth century.

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The Very Reverend Dr. James Thornton holds the Diploma and Licentiate in Orthodox Theological Studies from the Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, where he is a Research Associate, and a Doctorate in Advanced Pastoral Studies from the San Francisco Theological Seminary. In retirement from many decades of pastoral service in the Old Calendar Orthodox Church of Greece and the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, he is also a Lecturer at the St. Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary. The father of two sons, Father James and his wife, Presbytera Elizabeth, live in Southern California.